Meeting documents

Dorset County Council County Council
Thursday, 21st July, 2016 10.00 am

  • Meeting of County Council, Thursday, 21st July, 2016 10.00 am (Item 63.)

(a)          Public Speaking


(b)          Petitions


To consider the submission of the following petitions:-


(i)            Save Sandmartins Activity Club

(ii)           Campaign 40 - A35 Roeshot Hill/Lyndhurst Road


Public Speaking

There were no public questions received at the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 21(1).


There were no public statements received at the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 21(2).


Petition entitled SAVE Sandmartins Activity Club

The Council considered a report by the Director for Children’s Services which set out the current petitions scheme, details of the petition received and options for how the matter could be progressed.  The petition comprised over 1000 signatures from people living, working or studying in Dorset and requested the County Council to intervene to stop the decision by Sandford Primary School’s Governors to take control of the extended school care and therefore keeping the services provided by Sandmartins Activity Club on the school site.


Ms Bowbanks, Lead Petitioner, introduced the petition and explained the circumstances which had led to it being created to seek support for the club to operate and have access on the school site in accordance with the plans agreed under the Purbeck Review.  It was noted that the school had withdrawn its decision to evict the club, but there were still concerns regarding the cost of rent and access via the school site. It was also noted that a vote of no confidence in the school governors was being instigated by parents and carers.


Councillor Deborah Croney, as the Cabinet Member for Learning and Skills, acknowledged that there were on-going issues and implications, and she proposed that a meeting be held between the petitioners, members, officers and the school to resolve the dispute, with the aim of finding the best outcome for the children served by the club and the school.


As the local member, Councillor Beryl Ezzard supported the petition and drew attention to the need for the school to uphold the site agreement and the need for a meeting to explore a solution.  She also clarified that utilities had access via the school site and the club required the same level of access.  The potential for legal challenge and reputational damage was also highlighted and a scrutiny enquiry was also suggested. 



That a meeting be held between the petitioners, members, officers and the school to resolve the matter.


Petition entitled Campaign 40

The Council considered a joint report by the Chief Executive and Director for Environment and the Economy which set out the current petitions scheme, details of the petition received and options for how the matter could be progressed.  The petition comprised over 1000 signatures from people living, working or studying in Dorset and requested the County Council to reduce the speed limit on the A35, Christchurch at Roeshot Hill from national (60mph) to 40mph and on Lyndhurst Road from 40mph to 30mph.


Councillor Colin Jamieson, as the local member for the petition, expressed his support for the need for a speed reduction on the route given a number of accidents in recent years.  He also highlighted the impact of a new housing development and a mineral extraction site on the road and recognised that traffic calming measures would be installed as part of the completion of the two developments. 


Comments were also received in relation to the impact of heavy goods vehicles entering and exiting the minerals extraction site at a rate of one every three minutes when in full operation.  A further suggestion was also made to urge consideration of lower speed limits than advised in transport guidance due to safety and environmental impacts.


The Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Highways confirmed that changes would be made to the route as a result of the developments and undertook to write to the petitioners to explain the planned changes and what could be done in the meantime to ensure the route was as safe as possible given the conditions and money available. 



That in light of potential changes to the road layout as a result of planned developments, the Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Highways would write to the petitioner to explain the planned changes and what could be done in the meantime to ensure the route was as safe as possible given the conditions and money available.

Supporting documents: